About Us

So how did I Feel Delicious get started?

In early 2008,  photographer Terri Jean launched The Eye Candy Girls, a group of promotional pinup models for her boudoir/pinup photography series. Jean worked to empower women with her photography, and to provide all her clients with that one photo that showcased their true beauty. She termed it,  "Eye Candy, " in reference to women looking into the mirror and loving what they saw - and the tagline for her work became "Because every woman should FEEL delicious." 


The following year, Terri Jean met Caitlin Seida at Jean's former studio. The two became fast friends, and Seida not only participated in Jean's Marilyn & Me  photography project, she also joined The Eye Candy Girls, becoming one of Terri's models.

After Caitlin was bullied on-line in 2013, the  friends took action and not only fought back, but they were able to end the bullying and have the photo removed from many of the mean, hate sites that were shaming and hating on her.

Caitlin wrote about her experiences for Salon.com in an article,  My Embarrassing Picture went viral and soon Caitlin, often accompanied with Terri Jean,  made international news with her courageous story. 

I Feel Delicious was a natural extension of their joint goals: to empower other women to not only love themselves, but to stand up to others who try to push you down.

Terri Jean and Caitlin welcome others to submit articles and their personal stories to the blog, and to join their Facebook community. A website is in development, so please check back often.

The goal of  ifeeldelicious is to:

1. Empower ourselves and others. To accept ourselves as we are, and when it comes to our bodies, to make the focus HEALTH and not conform to the media's portrayal of what is or is not beauty.

2. To support each other, and never to engage in anything other than exchanging good vibes and energy.

3. To celebrate being a woman... and to celebrate ourselves and others.

4. To combine forces to create effective boycotts and protests that make real, constructive and necessary changes in areas such as the media, advertising, and show business.

5. To showcase the work of others.

6. Lastly, to engage in a dialogue about issues facing all of us today.

So what can you do?

LIKE our Facebook page at facebook.com/ifeeldelicious
and keep up-to-date daily on IFD.

Subscribe to our blog via the email subscription form on the HOME page and get our feeds right to your email in-box.

Comment on the work published here on the blog, on Facebook, and later - our website. Get involved in the discussions, polls, questions... and VOICE YOUR OPINION! We want to hear from you!

Submit your own articles, profiles, interviews, personal stories, artwork, photography, how to's, tips, tutorials, reviews, and even your poetry!

If you have a blog, submit it in for link consideration. Let's build a huge directory of the best blogs written by us babes!

If you see something that negatively impacts us (bad photoshop, someone said something stupid, idiotic advertising, articles that piss you off... ) send them to us!!! Please!!!

Last but not least, let's communicate on here and Facebook about the issues that are important to all of us. And then, if there's a call to action, take a moment to make a difference.

We CAN feel amazing. We can feel healthy and empowered. And we can ALL feel delicious!

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